Title : Synthesis Na (Al) BEA (Beta) Zeolite by Dry Gel conversiona (DCG) and hydrothermal (HTS) Methods Effect of silica alumina ratio, synthesis times and synthesis methods
The synthesis Beta zeolite was studied by DGC and HTS methods. Beta Zeolite were compared by different synthesis methods using hydrothermal synthesis (HTS), dry gel conversion technique (DGC) with various silica to alumina ratios using structure directing agents at synthesis condition. Effect of synthesis gel composition, structure directing agent (template) and its concentration, synthesis time and synthesis method was studied in detail. The Beta was characterized by powder XRD, FT-IR, SEM, N2 adsorption, NH3 -TPD and solid state NMR. The TEAOH content in the starting gel influenced the phase selection, and the optimum range was found to be less than 0.1< TEAOH/SiO2 ratio is < 0.5 for Beta phase. The steaming time for crystallization of synthesis Beta zeolite with dry-gel conversion method and hydrothermal method has been studied. The steaming time for crystallization of synthesis Beta zeolite with dry-gel conversion method was faster than hydrothermal method. The product yield increased with increased the steaming time until 5 days for hydrothermal method and 24 hours for dry-gel conversion method. The particle size increased when the concentration of TEAOH was decreased. It is clear that small crystal size of Beta can synthesize by DGC method.