Title : Green Catalysis Application of some new Metal organic frameworks
Among continuing investigations in solid state chemistry, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are the class of promising materials which attracted tremendous amount of attention in the past two decades. MOFs are regarded as a subclass of coordination polymers (CP) which are constructed by self-assembly of metal ions or metal clusters linked together by organic ligands containing multiple binding sites oriented with specific angularity generating structures with permanent porosity, high specific surface area and tunable topology that can be used in different fields such as gas adsorption, separation, catalysis, sensing and drug delivery. As both parts, organic (linkers) and inorganic (metals or clusters) are able to act as catalyst in many different and important reactions, so in this presentation, the catalytic applications of these new highly porous compounds are presented compressively. Besides, Some reports are available so far regarding to the usage of MOFs as green catalyses.